vineri, 20 noiembrie 2009

PreaSfanta Fecioara, Bucuria Tuturor Oamenilor Nenorociti

Va propun o icoana la rezolutie mare. Sa priviti sfintenia cum se cuvine.

The Holy Virgin ***The Joy of All Mournful People***

Circa 1800. Moscow. South Ural school
Size: 22 x 18.3 x 2.5cm
Technique & Material: Board, gesso, grinded gold and gold leaf, tempera, drying oil

The icon was painted in Moscow on a verge of 18th and 19th centuries.

Despite of the Moscow origination, its author moved to Moscow from South Siberia, and icon�s painting adopted the typological features and brightness of tones of Siberian school. At the same time, the icon features the elite Moscow school style of detailing faces and decoration, like: extra fine blacking over gold under the wings of the angels and edging of garments of the Mother of God and Emmanuil, plus a very original and creative representation of figures and postures of persons.
The right bottom corner of the composition perfectly reveals the mastership of the author.

The icon has an accurately crafted solid board and is in a practically ideal state of preservation.

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